Guest Starring: Stacey Richmond!
Posted March 19, 2016 at 12:30 am

Last but most certainly not least it's the incomparable Stacey Richmond! This was my first time ever getting a guest comic and let me tell you guys I made a real, actual squeal with my mouth and/or vocal chords. Stacey's illustrations and comics are just fun, colourful and delightful, and they have an upcoming project, Scion and the Helm (hopefully launching midyear) that's I'm just so absolutely stoked about, so keep an eye out for that!

You can follow Stacey on tumblr and on twitter! And buy their stuff on gumroad

That's it for Guest Week(s) everybuddy! See you next week for the start of chapter 2! 

Also hey, nominations for the Harvey Awards started. If you're a fellow comicker and would like to nominate any of my comics, then I wouldn't say no! 

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